Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Bday & Merry Christmas....

Well, i celebrated my birthday 2 days 24 dec and 25 dec.. hehe

24 Dec 2008,

I went out with Pui Kwan and Caryn Law to HSC..
We went to Kim Gary to have our lunch..
Pui Kwan


HSC is so boring, tht we terpaksa go in to toysRus..

Searching back our kiddy memories

we go all around and try all those fake baby tht has a "Try Me" button on it..
So Childish!! hehe

Cupcake from Caryn as Bday present.

Chocolate from Pui Kwan as Bday Present.

Thanks dear......

After tht i went to Crystal Palm to have dinner with my mum's family..

First Dish.....

My dear little cousin. So CUTE!!

my cousins...

Take 1, little ppl...
take 2, more ppl....

take 3, finally all are here...

Me & Caryn

Me & Gavyn

Isn't he CUTE!!

My aunt & my cousin brother, i lik tis pic....

My Birthday Cake....
My aunties were busy cutting the cake


All of the family members...

M3 & Mummy

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year..

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